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Beyond Burnout: Coaching for Medical Student Wellbeing and Fulfillment

  • Sukhayu Wellness LLC Syosset, NY 11791 USA (map)

Empower Your Path

Transforming Medical Student Wellbeing & Fulfillment Through Coaching

After attending this webinar, you will be able to:

  • describe the systemic drivers of medical student burnout

  • understand the differences between mentoring, coaching, and peer support

  • explain key components of physician well-being

  • learn how coaching may benefit you by observing a live coaching demonstration

Who should attend?

  • This webinar is specifically designed for medical students.

  • Family members of medical students are welcome to join to learn how coaching can support their loved ones.

  • Health care providers and educators who work with medical students are also welcome.

No prior knowledge or experience is required.

PS - If you are a resident or fellow, there is a separate presentation that I have designed for you on Thursday, May 16 from 6:30-7:30 PM EST. To join, click here.

Webinar Details

Live 55-minute interactive presentation with 5-minute Q&A

All medical students who attend the webinar will receive a special promotional opportunity to enroll in MedStudent Thrive, a 2-month program of 1:1 or group coaching exclusively offered once a year in honor of International Coaching Week.

Would You Like the Opportunity to Be Coached Live?

Are you interested in experiencing coaching firsthand? If so, Dr. Singh is looking for one volunteer to demonstrate the power of coaching.

Details: Dr. Singh will coach you live for a 20-25 minute laser coaching session during the webinar. You will pick one area you would like to explore - any topic of your choosing - and Dr. Singh will coach you. If you're interested in being considered for this opportunity, please email Dr. Singh at with your name, email, what year you are in medical school, what topic you'd like to be coached on, and if you've ever been coached before. Given there is only time for one free live demonstration during this presentation, only one person will be selected.

How to Make the Most of this Webinar:

  • Empty your cup and open your heart.

  • Be fully present in our time together.

  • Be in a quiet place will where you will not be disturbed.

About the Speaker

Jessica Singh, MD, NBC-HWC, ACC is a former practicing emergency medicine physician and the founder and CEO of Sukhayu Wellness and the Center for Health and Wellness Coaches. She graduated from medical school at New York Medical College and completed a four-year emergency medicine residency at Yale New Haven Hospital. Her own wellness journey began when she was a physician-in-traininglearninghow to enhance her own health and heal from burnout.

After practicing as an attending physician in the community, she was the first physician to be awarded a one-year fellowship in Physician Wellness at the Stanford University School of Medicine, where she developed expertise in the science and administration of physician wellness.

After completing her fellowship, she transitioned careers and founded Sukhayu Wellness with the mission of helping individuals, communities, and organizations nurture well-being, enhance fulfillment, and mitigate burnout. She currently consults with an academic health care organization to assess clinician burnout, with the goal of empowering initiatives for systems change to mitigate it.

Dr. Singh is certified in coaching through the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) and the International Coaching Federation. Furthermore, she holds certifications in yoga teacher training, mind-body medicine, and Ayurvedic wellness counseling.

Dr. Singh has published articles in Academic Emergency Medicine and Training, KevinMD, MedPage Today, and Physician’s Weekly and ­­was also chosen to be a 2023 Public Voices fellow through the OpED Project, offered in collaboration with Equality Now, Advocating for the Rights of Women and Girls.

September 25

Fall Rejuvenation Mind-Body Skills Group to Enhance Self-Care (8 week program)

May 16

Reframing Burnout: An Introduction To Coaching For Providers-In-Training