Sukhayu Wellness Blog
Welcome to our blog! Here, we will share information that upholds our mission to promote well-being at individual, community, and organizational levels. Our aim is to uplift, enrich, and inspire. Feel free to browse by topic or by title in the Blog Index. We hope you enjoy!
Physician Wellness Mind-Body Medicine Coaching Imagery Education
Blog Index
This blog index is provided so that you can easily navigate through our content of blogs and articles. We hope you enjoy!
Let’s meet in child’s pose and welcome the day
“Most of all it [yoga] reminds me of the power that each of us have within us to surmount obstacles and navigate through treacherous storms that may appear during our lives. All of us are stronger than we give ourselves credit.” ~ Steven Meas, MD-PhD Student
This article was published in KevinMD.
Drawings to Enhance Communication and Emotional Awareness in the Classroom
“In today’s world with the social isolation and increased screen time, the emotional development and social skills need of our students demand our increased attention… Implementing drawings into the classroom can ease a lot of students' anxieties, allowing them to practice being present in the moment, and enhance focus.” - Caitlyn Pereira
Experimenting with Biofeedback: Reconnecting with Breath to Manage Stress
Learn about biofeedback as a mind-body approach to promote health and alleviate stress.
“I wanted tools to cope with stress that focused on three key points: they could be performed anywhere with few to no accessory items, they could be performed in fairly short periods of time, and they cost little to nothing.” - Peter Tamura
This article was published in AAMC Aspiring Doc Diaries.
Overcoming the “Surface Pressure” of Post-Pandemic Parenting
“It is ubiquitously known that raising a child will come with its fair share of stressors, but no one could have prepared the parents of 2020 for parenting in a pandemic. The world as we know it was turned upside down and inside out, and yet, somehow, we had to keep steering the ship, making the waters seem as calm as possible. We needed to be the stabilizing force and the safe space. We needed to dig down and find the strength we didn’t know we had..” - Jacqueline Shaw
What it Means to be Board Certified in Health and Wellness Coaching
The knowledge on this test encompasses the fundamentals of health and wellness - including lifestyle and a basic understanding of chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity, etc., that impact the majority of the world. This knowledge is necessary to assure that coaches know how to best help their clients advocate for their own health and well-being, and how to work best with their clients’ healthcare providers.
This article was published in KevinMD.
A Teacher’s Perspective: Mind-Body Techniques to Enhance Emotional Awareness and Self-Care
“Many people forget about mental health because you can’t physically see it. With all the expectations and hecticness of teaching, it is important to check in on yourself and make sure you are doing what you need for your self-care.” - Caitlyn Pereira
Breaths to Calm
Learn about the use of diaphragmatic breathing as a mind-body approach to relieve stress and alleviate test anxiety. When practicing this type of breathing, people are able to increase their recollection of information and remain calmer during a test.
This article was published in AAMC Aspiring Docs Diaries.
The Healing Power Within
This case study has been shared with you with permission from Imagery International. This article is a powerful sharing of an interactive guided imagery experience to promote health and cultivate inner strength.
Why I Chose to Pursue Mind-Body Medicine: A Physician’s Reflection on Certification
After spending many years training to become a physician, I had become all too aware of a critical gap in medical education: the lack of emphasis on self-care and healthy lifestyle. Mind-body medicine is a powerful tool to enhance personal resilience, mitigate burnout and promote a culture of wellness in the workplace.
Justifying a Budget for Physician Wellness
Discussions of physician or healthcare provider wellness are often narrowly focused on personal resilience. However, physician wellness is directly correlated to patient quality and safety. It is important to know the impact of burnout in your organization to calculate the potential value of initiatives that would enhance workplace efficiency and promote professional fulfillment.
This article was published in Physician’s Weekly.
Physician Coaching Can Enhance Professional Fulfillment
Coaching is designed to facilitate both the exploration and development of personal and/or professional goals, as well as the creation and implementation of a strategy for achieving those goals. In this article, we will explore the process of coaching and its benefits for physicians.
This article was published in Physician’s Weekly.
What Is A Physician Wellness Fellowship, Exactly?
While burnout is prevalent amongst health care providers and broadly described in research, solutions are difficult to find. In the current COVID-19 pandemic, physician wellness leaders are essential. A physician wellness fellowship provides structured opportunity for physicians to develop expertise in the art and science of physician wellness.
Coaching, Explained
Each of us has the natural wisdom to discern what’s best for us. Accessing this inner wisdom requires a supportive environment, both internally and externally. Coaching facilitates the creation of this environment by facilitating an expansion of your own self-awareness to further elicit your own natural wisdom and resources – all using your own expertise.
Imagery as a Mind-Body Approach
Imagery is an innate ability we can all invoke to access our own inner wisdom. It is the language through which the subconscious mind communicates information and insights to the conscious mind, empowering us to explore and influence the way we experience life.