I am grateful to my doctor for recommending me to meet you…

When I joined the group, I was extremely worried about my future, with a lot of anxiety and terrified to move forward. After each session I started to feel more relaxed, more confident, and less guilty to be resting and more comfortable with my thoughts and enjoying the pause in my work life. Now I have more resources to continue my healing process.

I am feeling grateful to my doctor for recommending me to meet you and have access to this experience. Your guidance and knowledge are amazing. I am grateful also to have the company of all my team members in this journey, I learned a lot from each of them.  I will never forget this experience. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

- Eren G.

Business Development Director by trade & Personal Coach by heart

Mind-Body Skills Group Participant


An amazing and transformational experience…


Self-care is self-love.